RSNA 2006

Handouts für die Kurs Nummer: VI41-09

Veranstaltungsdatum: 28.11.2006 Transkatheter Therapien des NSCLC

Transkatheter Therapien des NSCLC
Vorgetragen von: T. J. Vogl

Filesize:4.4 MB  TranscatheterTherapies_VI41-05.pdf [4.4 MB]

Kurzinfo: Treatment of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCL) with Transkatheter Chemotherapies.
Keywords: Lungentumor, NSCLC, Chemotherapie, Transkatheter Chemotherapien
Schwierigkeit: 3
Lernziel(e): 1. To describe different transcatheter techniques for therapy of NSCLC such as transbronchial embolization, chemo-perfusionand transpulmonary chemoembolization (TPCE)
2. To identify indications such as palliative treatment of bronchial carcinoma in symptomatic situations such as bleeding or mediastinal compression
3. To define current and future developments

