elearning platform » Course Material » Radiology »  Anatomy for radiologists · 

Anatomy in all image based modalities

Reading interactively anatomical structures on x-ray films, CT examinations, MRI examinations, 3D reconstructions ...

Date: 2008/01/20 MRI Anatomy of the neck

MRI Anatomy of the neck
Presented by: Marc Harth, Mohamed Nabil

Short Info: Cross section of MRI.
Analysis of the anatomical structures from
MRI examination of the neck.
Skill Level: medium
Aim: Learning MRI anatomy of the neck.
Keywords: MRI cross section, anatomy
Skill Level: 3
Educational Objective: Anatomie des Halses

Further Materials:

Analysis of MRI cross section anatomy of the neck.
Hals im MRTZoom (197KB)


Date: 2007/05/26 Skeleton of the skull

Skeleton of the skull
Presented by: Marc Harth

Short Info: X-ray of the skull.
Analysis of the anatomical structures from
X-ray examination of the skull.
Skill Level: simple
Aim: Learning X-ray anatomy of the skull.
Keywords: X-ray of skull, anatomy
Skill Level: 1
Educational Objective: Analyse des Schaedel Skelettes im konventionellen Roentgen Bild.

Further Materials:

Analysis of X-ray anatomy of the skull.
Schaedel SkelettZoom (167KB)

