Autor: Marc Harth , 2005/07/01
Learning Online: Analysing, Exploration and Evaluation in one pour!
Vessel Variant: Arteria subclavia dextra coming out of aortic arch
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Right subclavian artery arises from the aortic arch
and runs cranially posterior to the oesophagus causing
narrowing of the oesophagus (dysphagia).
Skill Level: Difficult
Aim: Interpretation of cross-section anatomy of vascular
anamolies in the mediastinum
Dysphagia, Arteria lusoria
Further Materials:
Skeleton of the pelvis after double head-prosthesis of the hip joint
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
X-ray of the pelvis. Hip prosthesis on right side, Indian model of a dual head prosthesis. Analysis of the anatomical structures from
Skill Level: simple
Aim: Anatomy of the pelvis in x-ray of pelvis.
Pelvic skeleton, double-head prosthesis.
Further Materials:
Sarkoidosis chest x-ray and CT
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Sarkoidosis with enlarged hilar lymph nodes bilaterally.
Skill Level: simple
Aim: Anatomy of the thorax chest x-ray and CT
Thorax, bihilar lymphadenopathy, pulmonary nodules, sarkoidosis.
Further Materials:
Arteriovenous malformation in chest X-Ray and in CT
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Arteriovenous malformation.
Skill Level: difficult
Aim: Anatomy of the chest in chest X-Ray and in CT.
Subtile pathological changes in chest X-Ray.
Chest, Arteriovenous malformation
Further Materials:
Intracerebral calcification
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Skill Level: Simple
Aim: Anatomy of the head in CT
Localisation of pathologically calcified intracerebral struktures.
Intracerebral calcifications, Fahr's disease, HPT, CO poisoning.
Further Materials:
Dysgenetic renal cysts, type II according to Osathanondh und Potter
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Skill Level: high
Aim: Anatomy of the retroperitoneum in MRI.
Lokalisation of pathologies in different views (3D).
Polycystic renal disease, Wilms-Tumor, Neuroblastoma, cystic nephroma.
Further Materials: