Autor: Marc Harth , 2005/07/04
Content: Technic, Different modalities of research, Research protocols of different modalities, Diagnostic and Pathology, Complications, Contrast agent, Patient information and consent sheet (PICS) , Medicaments being used by the radiologist ....; Organisation: Renate Hammerstingl, Marc Harth
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Rania Mohammed Refaat Abd El-Hamid
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
MDCT imaging of small bowels, method, intraluminal contrast
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Christian Fiebig
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Maligne Knochentumoren, typische Befunde im Röntgen, CT und MRT
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Christian Fiebig
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Benigne Knochentumoren, Diagnostik, Klassifizierungen
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Nour-Eldin Mohamed
cns-congenital-malformation.ppt [18.1 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Recognition of Congential Malformation of CNS in MRI and CT
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Florian Mayer
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Röntgenthorax auf der Intensivstation, Technik und Analyse, Pathologien, Fremdmaterial
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Christian Fiebig
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Rheumatische Erkrankungen, spezielle rheumatische Erkrankungen, Pathologien, radiologische Diagnostik
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Ralf Bauer
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Konventionelle Thorax Übersichtsaufnahme, Technik, Bildanalyse, Pathologien
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Marc Harth
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Schnittbilddiagnostik in der Urologie, Leitlinien, Indikation, klinische Beispiele im MRT und CT
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Florian Mayer
Fortbildung-Urologie.ppt [12.2 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Häuigsten konventionellen radiologischen Röntgenuntersuchungen in der Urologie: i.v. Pyelographie, Zystographie, Urethrographie, Cavernosographie
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Iris Burck
perianale-fisteln.ppt [3.4 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Perianale Fistel im MRT und Klassifikation nach St James's Uiversity MR Classification of Perianal Fistulas Grad 0-5
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Nagy Naguib
IntestinalObstruction.pps [7.5 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Bowl obstruction: Definition, causes, types, CT signs
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Thomas Lehnert
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Ozon Therapie, Technik, Indikation, Komplikationen, Ergebnisse
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Petra Proschek
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der Invagination beim Kind
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Joana Ruivo
Iinflammatory-disease-middle-ear.ppt [21.9 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Aufstellung der entzündlichen Erkrankungen des Mittelohrs in Kombination mit dem Diagnosemanagement der bildgebenden Verfahren CT und MRT.
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Joana Ruivo
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Systematische Anatomie des Ohrs in Kombination mit CT Diagnostik des Innenohrs.
Anatomy of the ear
Presented by: Nour-Eldin Mohamed
approach-to-interstitial-lung-diseases.ppt [5.5 MB]
Short Info:
Anatomie of the ear, commentarial anatomical outlines with pictures of CT
Internal auditory canal, Labyrinth, Round window, Vestibule, Oval window, Semicircular canals, Cochlear aqueduct, Vestibular aqueduct (Endolymphatic duct), Intratemporal facial nerve, Middle ear cavity and Mastoid, Malleus, Incus , Stapes, Middle ear cavity, Tympanic membrane = eardrum, External auditory canal
Skill Level:
Educational Objective:
Systematisch Diagnostikhilfe der interstitiellen Lungenerkrankungen im radiologischen Alltag